Thursday, January 12, 2012

Why writing is important

Why is writing important? This is a question that many High School and College students always ask. They always ask why they are required to take so many writing and English classes and how it won’t help them in the future because they already know the basics. Well those people are wrong in every aspect of their opinion. For any job you are trying to get into for an interview, the company will not interview 350 people face to face. The company will first read the resumes and decide about 10 to 15 people to be interviewed based on how their resumes are. If they read a resume that is filled with punctuation errors and misspelling, you are most likely not going to get interviewed for that job. Even if your punctuation is correct and your spelling is splendid as well, they will choose the person who has the better writing and better vocabulary to get interviewed for the job. The job that I want to get into is either being a Sports Agent or a Lawyer. I know these are very hard tasks and I’m not one hundred percent on actually becoming these but for now this is what I want and I know it takes much writing in both of these jobs. For being a Sports Agent I will have to read many contracts and know how to persuade a player to let me become their agent, so I would have to be very good in writing for them to believe I’m the right guy. For being a lawyer it’s the same thing. You don’t see commercials about Sam Bernstein and think this guy isn’t smart in writing. To become a lawyer you almost have to be a writing major if you want to make it big. People underestimate the value of writing and what it can do for you in the future. Even if you know writing now, it never hurts to strengthen up your vocabulary so you can be an even smarter person in the subject. For all High School and College students out there who are thinking they’re wasting their time by taking writing courses, will regret saying that when they’re the ones who are going to be trying to find a job. For those who take these writing courses and excel to their fullest in them, they’re going to be the ones who get interviewed for the jobs because of their knowledge of writing and their expansion of vocabulary. This is my first writing course in College and I hope it will help me tremendously. For what I want to become I’m going to need writing for every aspect of my job. I need to improve in every way if I want to become what I want to become. To me, writing is a big subject to excel in.


  1. I love how you started your post with a question. It really makes me interested in your post. Like you, I can't wait to excel in writing either. Hopefully this course will help us!

    1. Hopefully we learn a lot in this class, i can see why writing is so important now. I also believe writing is very important no matter what career you decide on.
