Friday, January 27, 2012


Response to quote number 2

The quote that reads, “Online blogs directed at peers exhibit fewer typographical and factual errors, less plagiarism, and generally better, more elegant and persuasive prose than classroom assignments by the same writers.” I think what Ms. Davidson is trying to say in this quote is that online blogs for school are better and more beneficial than classroom assignments that are done by printing or paper. She is trying to say that you receive fewer errors by doing blogs and there is much less plagiarism. Going into this writing class and hearing about doing a blog was not the brightest thing I thought about. But after doing the blog for about a week now, I find to enjoy it much more than printing or writing out work. A blog is much more exciting for the students who are doing the work. It is a simple task at hand and is a more creative way of doing assignments. This quote is completely, 100 percent true in every way possible. When I first read what she said, I did not think it was her own quote but instead I thought it was a fact that she was just repeating. Everything she wrote in the quote is completely true. There are much less typographical and factual errors. Plagiarism is barely a factor when doing online blogs. I chose this quote over the rest because I thought it was the best of the four and because I thought it was true in every aspect.

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