Sunday, March 11, 2012

A letter to myself

A time I would love to go back to was about six years ago when i was in the championship hockey game in middle school. We were one of the best teams and I was certainly one of the best players on that team and i was very cocky about it. We had beat many terrific teams and I was the leading scorer and celebrated every goal I scored. I yelled at teammates to pass to me and I tried to do it all myself. Being self-fish got me into the finals, but I think it lost me the championship. The team we were playing was a terrific school and it would take more than one player to beat them. The score was 2-1 the opposing team with only three minutes to play. The lone goal by my team was scored by me. The clock kept ticking and soon enough there was only a minute left to play. The puck bounced my way and I was on a fast break with another one of my teammates going the other way. It was a 2 on 1 and I chose to keep the puck instead of passing it and missed the shot. Shortly after, the buzzer rang and we had lost the championship game.

There are two things that I want to take back from this moment. I would surely love to take away me being cocky. Another thing is I would want to certainly go back and pass the puck. My confidence got so high that I thought I could do it myself, and if I would have passed i think we could have tied it and won the game in overtime. I certainly would love to go back and fix my mistakes and maybe I would have won the championship that day. I learned my lesson from then on.

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