Sunday, March 11, 2012

A letter to myself

A time I would love to go back to was about six years ago when i was in the championship hockey game in middle school. We were one of the best teams and I was certainly one of the best players on that team and i was very cocky about it. We had beat many terrific teams and I was the leading scorer and celebrated every goal I scored. I yelled at teammates to pass to me and I tried to do it all myself. Being self-fish got me into the finals, but I think it lost me the championship. The team we were playing was a terrific school and it would take more than one player to beat them. The score was 2-1 the opposing team with only three minutes to play. The lone goal by my team was scored by me. The clock kept ticking and soon enough there was only a minute left to play. The puck bounced my way and I was on a fast break with another one of my teammates going the other way. It was a 2 on 1 and I chose to keep the puck instead of passing it and missed the shot. Shortly after, the buzzer rang and we had lost the championship game.

There are two things that I want to take back from this moment. I would surely love to take away me being cocky. Another thing is I would want to certainly go back and pass the puck. My confidence got so high that I thought I could do it myself, and if I would have passed i think we could have tied it and won the game in overtime. I certainly would love to go back and fix my mistakes and maybe I would have won the championship that day. I learned my lesson from then on.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Advertisement Reflection

Going into this assignment i felt like this was going to be a fun paper to write because we get to redesign a whole new advertisement. I chose on my specific advertisement because sports is what i've always been into and so i wanted to choose something that has to do with sports and that's the advertisement i chose. My idea for my redesign came because gatorade was really meant for male athletes and i wanted to have a totally different audience in young women. I really just pictured it in my mind and thought how good Gatorade would do if they can pull this off, but it's unrealistic because that's not their audience. Some challenges that I faced starting my essay were trying to think if this advertisement would actually sell and i actually really think that it can. I just thought of how the audience would react to this product and decided where this advertisement would be and thought of how it would be bought and why it would be bought and it helped complete my challenge. I really enjoyed the opportunity to make a whole new design with the celebrities that I decide to pick. I thought it was very fun to me. I used this to my advantage by choosing the number one celebrity in the world right now, Justin Beiber. I feel like i have a greater understanding of the audiences that advertisement companies aim for and what celebrities they use to fulfill sales to their audiences. Even though I got an 85 percent on this paper, i don't think i would change one thing because I thought I covered all the details and i wouldn't want to change a thing.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Response to quote number 2

The quote that reads, “Online blogs directed at peers exhibit fewer typographical and factual errors, less plagiarism, and generally better, more elegant and persuasive prose than classroom assignments by the same writers.” I think what Ms. Davidson is trying to say in this quote is that online blogs for school are better and more beneficial than classroom assignments that are done by printing or paper. She is trying to say that you receive fewer errors by doing blogs and there is much less plagiarism. Going into this writing class and hearing about doing a blog was not the brightest thing I thought about. But after doing the blog for about a week now, I find to enjoy it much more than printing or writing out work. A blog is much more exciting for the students who are doing the work. It is a simple task at hand and is a more creative way of doing assignments. This quote is completely, 100 percent true in every way possible. When I first read what she said, I did not think it was her own quote but instead I thought it was a fact that she was just repeating. Everything she wrote in the quote is completely true. There are much less typographical and factual errors. Plagiarism is barely a factor when doing online blogs. I chose this quote over the rest because I thought it was the best of the four and because I thought it was true in every aspect.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


1)   Born May 10th 1993
2)   Grew up reading Dr. Suess books
3)   Loved T.V shows as a kid
4)   Enjoyed cartoons growing up
5)   Enjoyed reading comic books
6)   Favorite series of books at a young age was “Captain Underpants”
7)   Grew very fond of “The Magic Tree house”
8)   Tried to read bigger and more complex books but didn’t really enjoy them.
9)   Favorite book as a teenager was “Holes”
10)                   Started watching movies of the books and enjoyed the movies more
11)                   Began watching many movies whether if they were from books or not
12)                   Remembered my comic books and that’s what made me interested in movies like Spiderman and Batman.
13)                   Now I am not much of a reader unless its for school
14)                   Watched many movies and my favorite is Shawshank Redemption followed by Pulp Fiction
15)                   I currently enjoy movies now and watch many still

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Why writing is important

Why is writing important? This is a question that many High School and College students always ask. They always ask why they are required to take so many writing and English classes and how it won’t help them in the future because they already know the basics. Well those people are wrong in every aspect of their opinion. For any job you are trying to get into for an interview, the company will not interview 350 people face to face. The company will first read the resumes and decide about 10 to 15 people to be interviewed based on how their resumes are. If they read a resume that is filled with punctuation errors and misspelling, you are most likely not going to get interviewed for that job. Even if your punctuation is correct and your spelling is splendid as well, they will choose the person who has the better writing and better vocabulary to get interviewed for the job. The job that I want to get into is either being a Sports Agent or a Lawyer. I know these are very hard tasks and I’m not one hundred percent on actually becoming these but for now this is what I want and I know it takes much writing in both of these jobs. For being a Sports Agent I will have to read many contracts and know how to persuade a player to let me become their agent, so I would have to be very good in writing for them to believe I’m the right guy. For being a lawyer it’s the same thing. You don’t see commercials about Sam Bernstein and think this guy isn’t smart in writing. To become a lawyer you almost have to be a writing major if you want to make it big. People underestimate the value of writing and what it can do for you in the future. Even if you know writing now, it never hurts to strengthen up your vocabulary so you can be an even smarter person in the subject. For all High School and College students out there who are thinking they’re wasting their time by taking writing courses, will regret saying that when they’re the ones who are going to be trying to find a job. For those who take these writing courses and excel to their fullest in them, they’re going to be the ones who get interviewed for the jobs because of their knowledge of writing and their expansion of vocabulary. This is my first writing course in College and I hope it will help me tremendously. For what I want to become I’m going to need writing for every aspect of my job. I need to improve in every way if I want to become what I want to become. To me, writing is a big subject to excel in.